20 September 2023

How To Write a Synthesis Essay | Complete Guide

Writing a good synthesis essay could be daunting. You need to collect information from varying sources and demonstrate a consistent argument. Coming up with a solid plan and style, you could handle this type of paper. Learn how to write a synthesis essay that is both captivating and compelling.

10 Tips For Writing A Synthesis Essay

In this section, we will offer you insightful tips and instructions to help you write a synthesis essay. Following these steps can help you improve your writing proficiency, critical thinking competencies, and research capabilities to come up with a fascinating and engaging synthesis paper.

  1. Understand the assignment
  2. Read and analyze the sources
  3. Create a solid thesis statement
  4. Structure your essay
  5. Be clear and concise
  6. Use evidence and examples
  7. Tackle counterarguments
  8. Revise your essay
  9. Transition effectively
  10. Objectivity and zero bias


1. Understand The Assignment

Writing with a plan will lead to success. You must go through the essay prompt and requirements before starting your synthesis essay assignment and determine the key points you must address. You should grasp the topic, the essay’s purpose, and any particular formatting or guideline requirements.

2. Read And Analyze The Sources

The second most important thing to do is to read your sources carefully and evaluate them as you synthesize their arguments. You must comprehend the primary points, key arguments, and supporting evidence. Discern the patterns, connections, and conflicts among the documents. Jolt down key points and your own ideas. You must conduct extensive research and ensure you sift out credible sources for use in the entire essay.

This is where careful reading comes into play. Writing a synthesis essay for your AP English language course necessitates using source material to elicit a vaguely discussed point. You will need supporting arguments to augment your thesis point, using relevant information to posit an original argumentative essay. Getting our essay writing services will help you with this task. But if you intend to write it yourself, writing an original argument with strong supporting points will strengthen your paper.

3. Create A Solid Thesis Statement

The main part of your essay involves proving the validity of your thesis statement. This claim should posit your primary goal or position on the subject. It must be brief and precise to guide your paper. Ensure your thesis statement is linked to your evidence throughout the essay to avoid any irregularities.

4. Structure Your Essay

Create a plan for your paper before you start writing. Determine the key viewpoints and contentions you will bring up in each section. It is prudent to structure your essay logically, for instance, the “introduction-body-conclusion” design or a particular structure tailored to your paper’s purpose.

5. Be Clear And Concise

It is important to use easy-to-understand language. Ensure you are clear and concise. Do not fill your paper with jargon, but utilize proper sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar. Always empathize with the reader and avoid complex language unless it is the only way you can convey your message to the audience.

6. Use Evidence And Examples

An argument is only as strong as its relation to accepted schools of thought; that is, it must be grounded in literature. Use examples and evidence from your sources to augment your statements. This may involve paraphrases, summaries, or direct quotes. Ensure you have cited your sources effectively based on the requisite citation style. Since you're writing a paper with at least three sources, do not "borrow" from your previous papers without citing your document correctly. Learn how to avoid self-plagiarism in this interesting piece.

7. Tackle Counterarguments

Recognize and deal with possible counterarguments or disparate outlooks. This demonstrates that you are not biased and have addressed the possible challenging ideologies, strengthening your argument in the process. You must articulately demonstrate why your notion is beneficial and stronger than the counterargument.

8. Revise Your Essay

Take time to revise your synthesis essay once you are done with writing. Consider any hazy statement, grammatical error, and logical inconsistency. You could also get help from a peer or instructor feedback to improve your paper.

9. Transition Effectively

Your ideas should be seamlessly integrated to draw in your reader. Use transition phrases and words to link your thesis to supporting notions. A coherent essay is easier to read and will score better grades than an incoherent one.

10. Objectivity And Zero Bias

Despite the necessity of demonstrating your personal claim and evaluation, remain objective throughout the synthesis essay. Avoid bias and showcase your sources’ information accurately. Remember to support your notions with evidence to augment your claims.


Following these tips will give you a better chance of getting better grades in your synthesis essay. You will showcase a greater understanding of the subject and your capacity to synthesize data from varying sources.

What a Synthesis Essay AP Lang Is and How It Works

A synthesis essay is a style of writing that necessitates evaluation and analysis of numerous sources on a particular issue, where the student writes a comprehensive and well-articulated argument with credible support. This type of essay is frequently written in AP Lang courses. It assesses a student’s capacity to comprehend and amalgamate information from different viewpoints.

Database Search

The synthesis essay writing process begins with multiple searches through the school library and other resource databases. You must read and examine the requisite sources that comprise speeches, essays, articles, and other types of media. One crucial aspect of synthesis essay writing is discerning the primary arguments, ideas, and proof given in every source.

Once you have carefully analyzed your study’s sources, start thinking of your argument. The purpose of writing a synthesis essay is to extend your learning beyond writing simple summaries of the sources. You must, in this instance, develop a novel perspective or argument based on the chosen sources and the information they present. The goal is to convince your reader using sufficient evidence that your argument trounces all others. This article on how to write an argumentative essay could help you get a better understanding of structuring essays that emphasize a certain point of view.

To come up with a viable argument, you need to look for mutual patterns or themes among your sources. They must investigate the manner in which the varying sources substantiate or oppose each other and utilize this examination to create their own thesis statement. It must articulately demonstrate the student’s argument and offer a structure for the paper.


The next step is to organize your essay. This could happen in varying designs based on the sources’ structure and the student’s unique writing style. One widespread tactic is to structure the paper by source, where each paragraph is committed to a particular source and its supporting documentation. Another style involves organizing your work thematically, with each paragraph centered on a particular feature of the topic.

Irrespective of the preferred format, each paragraph must have a topic sentence that articulately shows the primary notion of the paragraph. You should support your topic sentence with evidence, weaving in transitions to seamlessly intertwine your paragraphs.

Throughout the synthesis essay, integrate your analysis and interpretation of the chosen sources. This could entail expounding how the sources are connected, evaluating their evidence or arguments, or providing different standpoints. 

Reaffirm Your Thesis

Lastly, you should end the essay by reaffirming your thesis and recapping the main points of the claim. You should further discern the far-reaching implications of their line of reasoning and describe the implication in a broader sense.

Writing a good synthesis essay requires students to apply critical thinking and reading skills and robust writing and analysis skills. Buying an essay could help you avoid the hassle. However, if you want to work on the paper yourself, examine the consistency and trustworthiness of sources. Meritoriously incorporate and amalgamate information from numerous viewpoints. With attention to detail, the synthesis process, and practice, you can exceed your expectations in writing synthesis essays for AP Lang. 

What Elements Should You Have In A Synthesis Essay?

The best synthesis essay encompasses varying significant elements. These include the following:

  1. Introduction
  2. Summary of sources
  3. Analysis and synthesis
  4. Counterarguments
  5. Structure and organization
  6. Use of evidence
  7. Analysis and interpretation
  8. Conclusion


1. Introduction

This section of the synthesis essay seeks to introduce the reader to your topic and offers background information. The introduction further entails the most important part of your essay, an articulate thesis statement, presenting your perspective or argument.


2. Summary Of Sources

The next part of your synthesis essay involves a concise summary of the main viewpoints, contentions, and proof from each source you are synthesizing. This gives the essay a stable basis for your particular argument.


3. Analysis And Synthesis

This is the core of every synthesis essay. In this section, you will blend all the information you have gathered from your sources into a novel argument. You could get expert help to deliver a perfect piece or follow these steps to write your own. In this case, evaluate how your sources are linked to each other. Discern mutual patterns or themes and synthesize the evidence to structure their own perspective.


4. Counterarguments

One of the most important things to consider is the possibility of bias. A student must recognize and deal with counterarguments to their thesis statement. This demonstrates a greater comprehension of the synthesis topic and leads to a greater understanding of their general argument. You could pose and refute the counterarguments in your body paragraphs or address them in a distinct part of the essay.


5. Structure And Organization

Your synthesis essay should have a distinct and coherent structure. Each of the paper’s paragraphs centers on a specific attribute or supporting facet of the argument. Use transitions effectively to develop a seamless paper with a smooth flow connecting ideas and paragraphs.


6. Use Of Evidence

Remember to write an engaging topic that evokes emotion and thought. It must be engaging and offer logical points that address contemporary issues. Your synthesis essay’s argument must be supported with evidence from your sources. Here is an interesting essay on abortion that could help you get an idea of what to write. Including any additional examples or research used in the paper is essential. Remember to cite your sources correctly and employ multiple types of evidence, such as expert opinions, anecdotes, and statistics, to support your argument.


7. Analysis And Interpretation

The main point in writing your paper entails more than evidence presentation. A good synthesis essay should evaluate and elucidate the evidence, justifying its importance and applicability to their argument. This showcases a student’s critical thinking skills and their capacity to synthesize materials.


8. Conclusion

The ending to a good synthesis essay involves a summary of the key features of the argument and thesis statement. A student should further discern the greater implications of their study’s argument or provide avenues for greater action or research.


It is crucial to discern the particular elements and format of a synthesis essay may differ on account of the essay prompt and requirements given by an instructor. Nonetheless, following these elements allows you to create a strong foundation for a good synthesis essay.


The Difference Between Explanatory vs. Argumentative Synthesis Essays

There are two distinct forms of synthesis essays: explanatory and argumentative synthesis essays. Despite their similarities in formatting, these essays have dissimilar rationales and tactics. This is how these essays differ:

1. Purpose

2. Thesis statement

3. Source usage

4. Organization


1. Purpose

An argumentative synthesis essay seeks to provide an argument for a particular standpoint or assertion by utilizing proof and evaluation from different sources. This type of essay persuades the audience to acknowledge a specific perspective or argument, such as this immigration argumentative essay.


An explanatory synthesis essay aims to organize information from different sources logically and seeks to explain a concept or topic. The paper’s focus involves giving the reader an all-inclusive understanding of the issue.


2. Thesis Statement

Explanatory and argumentative synthesis essays also differ in their thesis statements. An explanatory essay has an objective and neutral thesis statement that states the topic and how it will be evaluated or rationalized. An argumentative synthesis essay takes a particular position on the topic under discussion. It demonstrates the primary argument that will be augmented throughout the paper.


3. Source Usage

The sources in an explanatory synthesis essay are mainly applied to offer data and evidence to verify the topic’s explanation. A student could paraphrase, summarize, or quote the sources to accurately provide pertinent information.


Sources in an argumentative synthesis essay are linked to a particular claim or argument. The student focuses on examining and appraising the sources, discerning the advantages and disadvantages, and using them as proof to augment the thesis. Comparing and critiquing these sources frequently gives a paper additional support.


Take care to avoid any form of plagiarism in your paper, as it will seriously harm your grades.


4. Organization

Explanatory and argumentative synthesis essays further vary in terms of organization. An explanatory essay is normally defined by different facets or subtopics of the subject under investigation. The paper could adhere to a thematic or chronological construct to provide a sensible and inclusive explanation.


An argumentative synthesis essay’s organization is primarily governed by the varying perspectives or arguments linked to the subject. Every section or paragraph could offer a specific argument or counterargument with reinforcing analysis and evidence.


On the whole, the primary contrast between argumentative and explanatory synthesis essays entails their rationale and methodology. Argumentative synthesis essays seek to persuade the audience by portraying a particular claim or argument backed by evaluation and proof. In contrast, explanatory synthesis essays aim to impart information and offer an in-depth understanding of a subject.


Full Breakdown of a Real AP Lang Synthesis Essay Prompt

While each academic institution has a unique AP Lang synthesis essay prompt, these papers have particular mutual components that form part of a typical prompt. Here’s a complete breakdown of the primary elements you could expect to find in an AP Lang synthesis essay prompt.

1. Introduction and background

2. Initial passage or question

3. Number of sources

4. Types of sources

5. Range of perspectives

6. Task and objective

7. Use of evidence and support

8. Writing style and conventions

9. Time limit and expectations


1. Introduction And Background

The essay prompt starts with a brief introduction that offers context for the subject under examination. Using an interesting anecdote or statistic helps reel in your audience at this point. The introduction could entail a short problem summary or a statement demonstrating a problem or scenario. To learn more about effectively hooking your audience, review these hook examples for essays.  


2. Initial Passage or Question

Typical essay prompts have a question or passage linked to the subject. This question or passage acts as the preliminary point for your paper. It offers the basis for your synthesis and evaluation.


3. Number of Sources

Most academic institutions will set the number of sources needed in the essay within their prompt. The main number of sources is three or four, though this is dependent on the institution.


4. Types of Sources

The essay prompt could further postulate the types of sources needed. These may comprise books, speeches, essays, articles, or any other credible source linked to the subject. Some schools further offer a list of source types to choose from.


5. Range of Perspectives

It is further necessary to note that different sources have varying arguments, notions, or outlooks linked to the subject. A synthesis essay should examine and investigate different viewpoints to create a strong argument.


6. Task and Objective

The essay prompt will distinctly demonstrate the objective or task of the synthesis essay. The instructions may necessitate an evaluation of the efficacy of the contentions presented in your chosen books, articles, journals, or web sources to integrate and develop a comprehensive perspective from them or to react to a particular question connected to the subject.


7. Use of Evidence and Support

It is crucial to utilize evidence from the essay prompt to augment your argument. A student is typically required to evaluate and combine the information gathered effectively. Remember to cite your information correctly, as books, articles, and journals have varying ways of presentation in the bibliography. Contemporary media sources like TED Talks are good sources of information and could bolster your paper's strength and add to the specific evidence you have. Here is an article on how to cite a TED talk correctly to avoid losing formatting marks.


8. Writing Style and Conventions

Typical essay prompts further offer distinct instructions concerning the format, style, or tone you ought to use in the paper. Your prompt may further outline any particular conventions necessary, like the integration of counterarguments or citation styles.


9. Time Limit and Expectations

Every synthesis essay has a time limit or deadline and particular expectations concerning the format or length of your response.


You must judiciously read and evaluate the prompt. Remember to adhere to the particular guidelines and requirements where your essay’s prompt will enable you to develop a purposeful and well-documented synthesis essay. 


Write a Strong Thesis Statement

A good synthesis essay has a strong thesis statement that distinctly states the paper’s primary claim or position on the issue and demonstrates a clear direction. We’ll look at a sample thesis statement that you could use for a synthesis essay on climate change.


“The tremendous evidence provided in worldwide climate data, expert reports, and scientific studies demonstrates the necessity for speedy action to eradicate the effects of climate change involving the promotion of sustainable practices, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and advancing renewable energy sources.”


This thesis statement postulates the necessity for immediate action to tackle climate change. It further denotes certain activities governments, institutions, and individuals should take, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and capitalizing on renewable energy. The reader can discern the essay’s focus and provide an articulate roadmap for the main arguments and points posited in the synthesis essay.


Sample AP Synthesis Essay

A synthesis essay is a form of writing that incorporates various sources to develop an understandable argument. This section’s purpose involves evaluating an actual synthesis essay sample to discern how the sources are employed to sustain the writer’s argument.

Title: “The Unexpected Results of Tech Involvement in Human Interaction.”


Introductory paragraph

Global integration of technology has irrevocably altered how human beings interact, linking connectivity with communication in unforeseen ways. Nonetheless, as countries grow increasingly dependent on these innovations, it is prudent to analyze the unforeseen consequences of these technologies. This synthesis paper will examine the effects of technology on global interactions, integrating positive and adverse effects. Exploring different views on the subject will lead to greater evidence collection, making it clear that technology has various negative connotations to human interaction despite its positive enhancement of communication means.


Body paragraphs

Beneficial Effects

Incorporating technology in different facets of life is undeniably positive for human interactions. Digital platforms like Twitter and Instagram are charting how businesses and individuals communicate without crossing geographical boundaries. This has allowed them to develop sensible relationships while exchanging theories and ideas. Studies demonstrate that social media has boosted social support systems and connectivity (Silver & Huang, 2019). In this way, users have experienced an overall well-being in their capacity to link with loved ones on opposite sides of the globe. Furthermore, technology enables effective communication, allowing individuals to establish instant connections and transmit information seamlessly (Ballan, 2023). Email, messaging applications, and video calls have relieved long-distance communication, improving cross-cultural connectivity.


Adverse Effects

Technological advancements have elicited various adverse effects on human interaction. The birth of cyberbullying has attracted governments as the primary targets for these activities are young people. These practices have resulted in increased psychological problems as purveyors of such practices can troll many people without the danger of physical harm (Allen, 2019). In this way, many social media platforms have become hotbeds for internet trolls and disinformation campaigns, leading to increased political, social, and economic polarization. Additionally, using social media apps to dictate our lives has decreased communication abilities among people. Individuals continually prioritize online communication over real-life interactions, eliciting loneliness and isolation.


Technology’s effect on human interactions is neither purely positive nor negative but an intricate blend of both. It allows us to communicate with many people while reducing the contact between actual human beings.


Conclusion paragraph

Technology transforms human interactions and leads to good and bad results. It facilitates fast communication and better connectivity while imposing artificial barriers that make human interaction difficult. A conscious effort is necessary to maintain and prioritize face-to-face communication in light of social media prevalence.



Allen, S. (2019, September 20). Social Media’s growing impact on our lives. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/members/content/social-media-research

Ballan, D. (2023, March 23). Redefining communication: The transformational impact of social media on human interaction. English Plus Podcast. https://englishpluspodcast.com/redefining-communication-the-transformational-impact-of-social-media-on-human-interaction/

Silver, L., & Huang, C. (2019, August 22). 2. social media users more likely to interact with people who are different from them. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/08/22/social-media-users-more-likely-to-interact-with-people-who-are-different-from-them/


Get Instant Help With Your Synthesis Essays

We hope you now know how to write a synthesis essay. Remember to start writing your synthesis essay as early as possible. Give yourself ample time to finish each section of the writing process, from evaluating the essay prompt to revising your draft. Do not worry if you are out of time. We write custom essays that guarantee you do not miss that deadline and score high grades. Contact us today!




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