Argumentative Essay on Immigration

Immigration is an integral part of any country's development. Governments, institutions, and people consider this option to escape adverse conditions of life as they hope for a better life. With this in mind, it is essential to note the relevance of immigration in contemporary society.

 What Are The Main Arguments For Immigration?

Immigration has several benefits for the citizens of an economy, positing a positive effect on the host country and immigrants' lives. It is prudent to assess this topic using an immigration argumentative essay that details aspects of this issue and how a country can solve the problem. We must note that undocumented immigrants pay taxes and have other positive benefits for modern society.

 Economic Benefits of Immigration

 Immigration has traditionally played an essential role in supporting the economic growth of different countries worldwide. Immigrants help the economy by filling labor market spaces, creating companies, and contributing taxes, raising the gross domestic product of a country. Fortune 500 firms created by immigrants or progeny of most immigrants employ upwards of 14.8 million people globally, based on the American Immigration Council (AIC, 2022). Immigrant involvement fosters innovation and venture capital investment, improving corporate vitality and profitability in traditional receiving countries.

 Furthermore, when illegal immigrants emerge from the shadows and are fully integrated into the community, immigration reform can contribute to more tax collections as they become American citizens. By providing legal recognition to people from a foreign country, they can seek higher-paying employment, leading to higher tax payments to the government (AIC, 2022). In addition, studies have consistently demonstrated that immigrants, irrespective of their immigration status, contribute more to public treasuries than they get in benefits despite some being natural-born citizens.

 Labor Market Dynamics and Job Creation 

Counter to the common assumption; undocumented citizens do not merely replace American citizens; instead, they frequently fill labor market shortages and serve an essential role in maintaining fiscal expansion and growth in economic opportunity. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine claim that immigration has a beneficial, if minute, influence on native-born employment prospects (Orrenius et al., 2020). Immigrants migrating from disastrous areas are frequently eager to seek employment in areas and vocations where labor is scarce, supporting the smooth operation of critical businesses like farming, medical care, and hospitality, as all they want is a better life.

For instance, the arrival of Mexican immigrants creates jobs via the multiplier effect in labor markets. Immigrants boost consumer interest in products and services by working, spending their income, and contributing to the American economy, which stimulates companies to grow and recruit additional people (Orrenius et al., 2020). This beneficial reverberation leads to more work chances that benefit immigrants and American citizens.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 

Illegal immigrants tend to engage in more entrepreneurial activities than native-born Americans. According to a National Bureau of Economic Research study, immigrants are more inclined to create firms, creating jobs and adding to total economic growth. Immigrants, for example, have launched several successful firms in the United States, notably Google, Tesla, and Intel (Orrenius et al., 2020). These forays into entrepreneurship do not just provide jobs, but they additionally stimulate innovation. Immigrants imbue fresh ideas, technology, and business methods by offering varied viewpoints, encounters, and abilities to business activities in a new country. This infusion of new ideas improves the local economy, encourages competitiveness, and increases total productivity in the U.S. government.

Productivity Gains and Wage Increases 

In this ongoing debate, it has been discovered that immigrants greatly enhance production output in their home countries via labor markets. Their readiness to accept lower-skilled and physically demanding work frequently permits their indigenous peers to seek higher-skilled vocations, enhancing total labor output in the job markets. Furthermore, immigrants usually have a high drive and an eagerness to improve their economic conditions, motivating them to work hard and give more to the community to access social services (Orrenius et al., 2020). This improved work ethic and commitment among more immigrants results in increased productivity and income increases for both immigrants and employees who are legal citizens.

Humanitarian Priority 

Apart from economic considerations, complete reform of immigration is a genuinely humanitarian answer to a worldwide catastrophe. Mexican immigration does not lead to more significant terrorist attacks. Many immigrants depart their native countries because of terrorist attacks, violence, intimidation, or natural disasters and seek a better life. Countries may offer a safe refuge for persons desiring better opportunities by providing a more hospitable and just framework (U.S. Department of State, 2019). Children, who make up a sizable proportion of illegal immigrants, deserve a better future. Because of no fault of their own, these people were moved from their home country to a foreign one at an early age. They have grown up in their single house and are well absorbed into the communities where they live, trying to achieve the American dream. Denying them a chance to contribute to society by making it difficult to access job opportunities and follow their aspirations is cruel and unproductive to the U.S. economy.

It is critical to identify and underline the humanitarian necessity of immigration in the chaotic environment of immigration regulations for many citizens. Real individuals live behind the figures and debates, frequently escaping difficult conditions in search of safety, security, and better opportunities that benefit them and their families. 

Evading Violence and Persecution 

One of the primary reasons for migrating is the desperate need for safety from intimidation, high crime rates, assault, and human rights violations. Many people and families are compelled to escape their native-born land because of political oppression, cultural or religious persecution, or military conflicts (ReliefWeb, 2023). Countries express their dedication to human rights and camaraderie with the rest of the world by offering assistance and granting sanctuary to needy individuals.

Children, frequently regarded as the most susceptible victims in this controversial topic while encompassing many illegal immigrants, require special consideration. Many lone immigrant youngsters come after enduring perilous trips to flee conflict or trafficking in their native countries. Governments that take a humanitarian position can provide these kids with security, protection, and an opportunity for a brighter future.

Reuniting Families and Social Integration 

Understanding the value of family cohesion is another component of the humanitarian mandate. Separating family and friends produces enormous mental pain, aggravating illegal immigrants' terrible situations. Countries enhance social cohesiveness and reinforce the social framework by promoting family reunion and enabling illegal immigrants to reconstruct their relationships with their kin. Furthermore, the absorption of undocumented immigrants into society enhances populations by increasing cultural variety, cross-cultural comprehension, and social acceptance (ReliefWeb, 2023). Immigration leads to diverse viewpoints, experiences, and abilities to host nations, enriching the cultural and social fabric due to the mingling of different cultures. Appreciating the humanitarian necessity to address the immigration problem includes appreciating its diversity and aiding immigrants' assimilation and inclusion.

Adapting to Global Issues 

Environmental catastrophes, shortages of food, and financial injustice are among the expanding global concerns that necessitate humanitarian intervention. Immigration may be viewed as one aspect of resolving these issues. Countries collectively react to common global crises by offering sanctuary and opportunity for persons living in these crisis-prone areas. Additionally, assisting nations suffering from impoverishment, political turmoil, or violence might help to minimize the pressure causes for migration. Addressing these core causes may create a more sustainable and fair society, reducing the major issue making immigrants leave their country.

Immigration's humanitarian mandate for the government originates from core principles such as compassion, empathy, and reverence for the dignity of people, mandates held dear by any American citizen. Countries honor their obligations to the rights of people and exhibit the finest of their common humanity by opening their doors and offering a haven to individuals in need. It is critical to go past detached political conversations and recognize the illegal immigrants underlying the statistics (Orrenius et al., 2020). Countries that embrace humanitarian responsibility may give safety, refuge, and possibilities to those escaping oppression or war. Furthermore, immigration may improve social cohesiveness, produce a more diverse cultural tapestry, and help to handle global concerns successfully.

An extensive, caring, and equitable policy regarding illegal immigration is critical because it helps not just immigrants but also local communities, creates social development, and supports the principles which render us as human.

National Security 

Changes to immigration have become critical for the country's safety. A dysfunctional immigration system provides weaknesses that criminals and terrorists may leverage. Governments may more effectively concentrate their efforts on detecting serious security concerns rather than spending time and personnel on peaceful illegal immigration if an unambiguous and equitable avenue to legal status is established to give them a better life as American people (Chishti & Bolter, 2021). Improving immigration rules also enables better border enforcement. Border security agents may focus their resources on countering illegal immigration operations like contraband smuggling and drug trafficking by expediting the legal immigration procedure.

In the face of rising global challenges, safeguarding territorial integrity has become a top priority for all countries. Immigration is inextricably linked to the country's safety since efficient control of borders is critical for safeguarding individuals and maintaining a nation's interests.

Detecting Security Risks 

Establishing strict immigration controls helps countries to check persons accessing their nation, improving their capacity to detect possible security risks. Nations may efficiently screen out persons with harmful motives, such as terrorists, criminals, and people associated with criminal organizations, by examining visa submissions, performing thorough background checks, and instituting vetting systems. Furthermore, control mechanisms like border surveillance systems, biometric assessments, and shared intelligence enable officials to sniff out falsified papers, identify suspect activity patterns, and seize those participating in criminal operations (Chishti & Bolter, 2021). Proactive immigration control tactics allow governments to keep one step ahead of possible problems while protecting their residents' well-being.

Keeping Illegal Activities at Bay 

Regulating immigration entails more than just detecting security issues; it also entails blocking unlawful actions. A permeable and uncontrolled border provides opportunities for illicit drug trade, people trafficking, and numerous other illegal operations. Countries can efficiently undermine criminal organizations, destroy smuggling activities, and halt the supply of illicit products and drugs by safeguarding their borders. Additionally, thorough immigration control can aid in the fight against identity theft and documentation fraud, frequently used by those wanting to set up fraudulent identities for illicit purposes (U.S. Department of State, 2019). This preemptive strategy decreases the danger of identity theft, safeguards the country's safety, and creates a more robust regulatory structure.

Maintaining Stability and Safety 

National security is inextricably tied to a country's stability and safety. Uncontrolled and unmanaged immigration can cause financial, social, and political unrest, endangering natives and immigrants. Authorities may maintain a controlled number of immigrants, facilitating good integration and reducing the demand for public assets by establishing efficient immigration oversight measures (ReliefWeb, 2023). Furthermore, keeping oversight of immigration lowers the danger of communal conflicts, xenophobia, and extremism. Nations may establish an atmosphere fostering cohesiveness and inclusion by promoting safety and stability.

Holistic immigration control is not merely a question of the country's safety. However, it is also a critical part of preserving social harmony, combatting illicit activities, and safeguarding the security of both citizens and immigrants. Nations may successfully protect their population and defend their national interests by developing comprehensive vetting mechanisms, safeguarding borders, and limiting the entrance of possible security risks (ReliefWeb, 2023). It is critical to establish an equilibrium between humanitarian ideals and national security. Employing extensive immigration regulations does not imply ignoring humanitarian considerations; instead, it is a crucial step toward constructing a safe, solid, and welcoming society.

Finally, an effective and adequately managed immigration oversight system acts as a protective barrier, enabling countries to embrace upright immigrants while keeping possible dangers at bay. Countries may nurture their national defense and safeguard the security of their residents in a highly linked and complicated world by acknowledging the importance of robust immigration control.


Meaningful immigration reform is a humanistic obligation and an operational and fiscal need. The financial advantages of an open immigration system are apparent since immigrants help to create jobs, innovate, and enhance revenue from taxes. Additionally, by distributing finances more efficiently and economically, modifying immigration rules promotes the country's safety. Countries may tackle the fundamental concerns at the core of the immigration discussion by implementing broad immigration reform. It is essential to go beyond polarizing rhetoric and capitalize on immigration's ability to generate wealth, empathy, and mutual understanding.

 The monetary advantages of immigration are numerous and unequivocal. Immigrants cover employment shortages, generate employment via the multiplier effect, and instill entrepreneurship and creativity in host nations. They also increase productivity and pay increases across low- and high-skilled industries. It is critical to acknowledge that properly handled immigration regulations are critical to effectively using these economic advantages. Countries may reap the benefits of a diversified and lively immigrant populace by enacting substantial immigration policies that satisfy labor market demands, enable business ownership, and encourage integration. Accepting immigration as an economic driver may help drive growth, wealth, and societal advancement.

Why is it Important to Discuss immigration?

 Immigration is a contentious issue that plagues the world. Proponents and critics alike propose issues that would result from the activity. In this way, it is essential to discuss why immigration is an important topic to discuss. It provides countries with a clear guideline to determine whether immigration would boost or collapse their economies. 

Humanitarian Causes

People who migrate seek safety from persecution, conflict, or starvation in their native countries. Addressing immigration helps us confront these people's suffering and identify methods to aid and safeguard them. 

Economic Consequences

Immigration has substantial economic consequences that affect the host nation and the immigrants. We may investigate ways immigrants participate in the global labor force, generate employment, and promote economic development by addressing immigration, and also highlight any prospective problems or reservations.

Cultural Variety and Integration:

Migration introduces different dialects, habits, customs, and viewpoints, which enhances society. We may investigate strategies to create social cohesiveness, increase awareness of cultures, and assure immigrants' effective absorption into their new surroundings by addressing immigration.

How Do We Benefit from Immigration?

Immigration has various benefits for immigrants and their host countries.

Economic Contributions

Immigrants frequently fill employment gaps and help to drive economic development. They offer essential skills, certifications, and a desire to find employment in industries wherein local employees might be in limited supply. This can boost output, creativity, and career development (Orrenius et al., 2020). Immigrants will likely be entrepreneurs, launching firms that create jobs and benefit the country's economy.

Cultural Enrichment

Immigration promotes cultural variety by facilitating the interchange of thoughts, customs, practices, and points of view. It strengthens society's social fabric, encourages comprehension, and disputes preconceptions. Immigrants add to the cultural life of their adopted nations by introducing novel dialects, culinary styles, and artistic expressions.

Talent and Creativity

Immigrants frequently offer new viewpoints and knowledge that may inspire innovation. They contribute to science, technological advances, the performing arts, and other areas (Orrenius et al., 2020). Many highly talented immigrants play crucial functions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) industries, bolstering host nations' competitiveness and intellectual property.

Demographic Advantages

Immigration has the potential to remedy societal disparities like populations getting older and falling birth rates. Immigrants are more likely to be adults of working age, thus can help to alleviate shortages of labor and reduce the load on social security. They assist communities' general health and viability by contributing to growing populations and sustaining welfare schemes.

It is crucial to remember that the positive effects of immigration might differ based on the host country's background, regulations, and incorporation initiatives. As a whole, though, undocumented immigrants contribute to a wide range of benefits that are critical for economic development, cultural diversity, creativity, and tackling societal concerns.

How Does Immigration Impact Us?

Arguably one of the most challenging problems of our day is the continuous debate over immigration legislation and reform. Emotions are running high, with supporters of more substantial immigration restrictions emphasizing the significance of protecting employment and national security. In contrast, other people push for a more humanitarian and tolerant approach. However, it is critical to acknowledge that broad immigration reform is a humanitarian, tactical, and economic requirement.


AIC. (2022, June 9). New American fortune 500 report reveals impact of immigrant entrepreneurship. American Immigration Council.

Chishti, M., & Bolter, J. (2021, September 22). Two decades after 9/11, National Security Focus still dominates U.S. Immigration System.

Orrenius , P. M., Zavodny, M., & Abraham, A. (2020). The Effect of Immigration on Business Dynamics and Employment. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics, 1–37.

ReliefWeb. (2023). Highlighting a resurgence of human rights abuses worldwide, Third Committee calls on nations to urgently abide by existing treaties to eradicate them - world. ReliefWeb - OSHA.



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