Why Abortion Should Be Banned (Essay)

The United States' abolition access environment shifted after the US Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturning Rove v. Wade in June 2022. Abortion is an exciting subject in public debate and continues to dominate worldwide discussion. In case the above cases do not ring a bell, the first is the recent ruling to bar women from getting abortions, while the latter involves granting them these rights. Contrary to popular opinion, abortion should be banned as it is a crime. Described as intentionally ending a pregnancy before it comes to date, abortions have significant implications in people's lives.


It Goes Against the Right to Life

The main argument for why abortion should be banned is because life begins at conception; this would effectively make abortion murder. Conception is when a sperm cell fertilizes a female's egg cell. The activity starts the process of cell division, the first step in creating a human being. Tara Sander Lee, a Senior Fellow and the Director of Life Sciences at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, affirmed this statement, saying that life starts at conception (Bukuras, 2022). Fertilization creates a new and distinct individual, an integrated organism at the time, or a human being. She argues that this individual is biologically distinct and differs from every other life form on Earth (Bukuras, 2022). It is prudent to consider biological autonomy because the cell organism differs from its biological parents and other people. By its nature, ending a life is murder and immoral. It is essential to distinguish this even if the life is a few growing cells when the child dies.


It is important to note that abortion should be banned because it should be considered murder. People that carry out abortions kill. Pope Francis stated that abortion should be banned because it involves taking a human life. He said an unborn baby whose mother is unaware they are pregnant is already developing organs the third week after conception (Pullella, 2021). The pope reiterated that we should respect human life since science agrees that life begins at conception.


It is not logical to excuse the killing of an innocent child because people face difficulties. Let us clarify this moral dilemma because many individuals would like to be pro-choice because of the injustices committed against women in the past and the difficult circumstances they continue to face. It is important to note that many pro-choice advocates support this right because they see the real issues facing women who choose to get abortions without considering the rights of a fetus that does not even look human (Pullella, 2021). Nonetheless, the harsh reality is that, given time, a fetus is a person, and abortion intentionally kills a human being. We must remember how we look back in horror at people in history that decide a specific group of individuals do not count as people and remember that abortion does not solve the injustices women face by creating further injustices. It is prudent to develop solutions that prop up women without killing children.


Abortion Promotes the Disposal of Lives

Abortion relegates human life to debate and promotes what Pope Francis called a "throwaway culture." It is essential to recognize that legalizing abortion is an affront to human sanctity and means we do not understand what it entails to start living. In this way, it promotes a culture where human life is perceived as disposable, exposing society's most vulnerable people to the issue. This proposal targets poor women who need a sensible answer to a complicated problem. Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, states that abortion is a consequence of the "brutalization of the American heart" (Allen Jr., 2017). He puts this at par with other inhumane actions, such as dehumanizing immigrants because they do not have documentation. We cannot relegate human life to debate since it can be scientifically proven to begin at birth.


We must further consider that abortion is linked to other ills in society, such as racism, which causes intricate human error. Alveda King, a former Georgian state representative, claims that this error comes when we think that someone in our way is a problem, and we should justify them by getting them out of our lives. Both of these injustices are rooted in selfishness, a poisonous root that has infected many individuals that perceive others as less critical (Parker et al., 2022). We are all fully human, a truth that, when faced, goes against killing an innocent baby as the fetus is considered a lesser being. Alveda King is the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. and notes that some fetuses are considered less than human.


Justifying the elimination of what we do not like is a dangerous ideology. It is in tandem with legal abortion, leading society down a slippery slope towards activities like gender selection, designer babies, horrendous termination of disabled but healthy pregnancies, and other equally horrifying trait-selection-linked abortions. It is essential to consider that abortion has the dangerous possibility of eugenic manipulation. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas dictates that advances in technology have only exacerbated this issue, meaning that abortion can be used to get rid of children that have unwanted characteristics (Supremecourt.gov, 2019). This is why abortion should be banned. The slippery slope might, at some point, include mentally disabled individuals. Simply treating others as we would like to be treated would eliminate many forms of inhumanity, like abortion and racism, prevalent issues in the world today.


Should Abortions be Banned?

Abortions should be banned, while increased access to health insurance, birth control, and sexual education should be emphasized. Abortion rates in the US have been below what the CDC considers a slow but steady pace since 1981. This year, there were roughly 29.3 abortions for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 (Weise, 2022). This rate dropped to about 11.4 per 1,000 women, according to 2019 statistics (Weise, 2022). It is important to discern that this drop has arisen from experts who have alleviated the controversial topic through more excellent safety and the availability of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). These safety and LARC options include contraceptive implants and IUDs that may last up to 10 years.


It is further necessary to note the role played by the government in boosting access to health insurance to aid in paying for contraceptives. This proves that abortions happen because of a lack of facility access. Acts such as the Affordable Care Act and Patient Protection gave more people access to insurance, giving them access to low-cost or free contraceptives and reproductive care. Linda Rosenstock, a Public Health Professor of Health Policy and Management at UCLA, claims that about half the pregnancies in the United States are unintended, with almost half of these cases, 40%, leading to abortion (Weise, 2022). Giving people access to birth control has resulted in gradually fewer abortions.


The abortion debate would further benefit if we analyzed issues from 2022 regarding sexual activity. Many teenagers are having sex later in life than their parents. This is represented by statistics in American high schools, where 38.4% reported having sex, which is down from 54% in 1991. Additionally, 27.4% reported being sexually active, a drop from 37.5% in 1991 (Lehman, 2020). Many experts attribute this decline to better education about sex as teen birth control use statistics have not grown significantly. A study in 2021 found that students that had comprehensive knowledge about sex initiated sex later in life than those that did not take part in sex education (Ramírez-Villalobos et al., 2021). It is essential to note that the later a teenager has sex, the less likely they will get pregnant unintentionally, lowering the abortion rate.


It is prudent to consider that abortion was historically famous as a means of birth control and family planning because of a lack of access to education, contraception, and other resources. It is further essential to discern that, at some point, the birthing process was perilous. There are safer and better options nowadays, including better healthcare, effective birth control, sex education, and health insurance. This access to information ensures that many unwanted pregnancies do not occur in the first place.


Abortion Should Be Banned Because It's Immoral

We must further consider abortion from the standpoint of a future of value. Many pro-choice supporters argue that people do not consider the life of a pregnant woman who chooses to have an abortion due to an unwanted pregnancy. They say that the woman's body and health are at risk because abortion procedures are dangerous if they are conducted in dingy backhouses. However, this argument does not negate the fact that this argument does not suppose the child is a human being. It assumes that only the mother should be considered because she is alive and has particular needs. It is an erroneous argument that fails to deem the fetus a child. It is seen as a problem and something that one can be rid of if they choose. Fetuses are human beings, and the argument thus should start with whether it is right to kill a person because they may have poor prospects in life (Brown, 2000). With this premise, one could argue that people experiencing homelessness should be euthanized to alleviate their suffering!


A moral way to consider this argument is by following the morality of killing. Donald Marquis states that the immortality of abortion is relatively simple yet deceptive. He argues it is presumptively a crime to kill competent adult human beings, that is, us, as it would eliminate our most valuable resource, a future of value (Brown, 2000). While critics could poke holes in this argument as some people lead terrible lives, it is crucial to consider that what the author meant was the "potential" for a future of value. Killing actual beings is considered unjust as it deprives a person of their future. The same argument holds for a fetus based on science. In this way, the only justifiable way to commit abortion is in the same extreme circumstances that killing adult human beings would be moral and justifiable.


We must remember that an unborn fetus has the same potential future of value as a living child or adult. Given the right conditions, such an individual will likely have a worthwhile life. In this sense, a fetus has a self-representative future of value as it can develop mental representations of a valuable future.


It is a Dangerous Procedure for the Women

Abortions further carry the risks of death or other health complications. One thing to remark about abortion is that many people seek abortion measures because of social or financial means. In this case, they are likely to undergo the procedure when the fetus is at an advanced gestational age, increasing the risks associated with the practice. We will look at some short-term and long-term ailments that may affect women who undergo abortions.


Pelvic Infection

The first issue that could affect a woman's body is germs; bacteria from the cervix or vagina may enter the uterus, leading to an infection. Discerning this is not a severe infection is essential, as antibiotics may clear it up. However, the infection may sometimes spread, leading to surgery or hospitalization. Labor induction has an infection rate of 5%, with D&E and suction curettage exhibiting a 1.5% and 1% infection rate, respectively (Louisiana Department of Health). In this way, a woman can incur pelvic complications resulting from abortion.


Incomplete Abortion

It is important to discern that solid arguments worldwide dictate that fetal parts and other pregnancy products may fail to be fully ejected from a woman's body, necessitating further medical procedures. We should note that such complications occur in less than 1% of women after a D&E. In contrast, if a woman has an incomplete abortion after experiencing a labor induction procedure, the rate spikes to 36% (Louisiana Department of Health). This is a clear indication that some pregnancies are severely risky and pose the possibility of leading to additional issues.


Blood Clots in the Uterus

Close to 1% of all abortions result in blood clots that may cause severe cramps (Louisiana Department of Health). Medical practitioners use repeat suction curettage to remove these clots.


Heavy Bleeding

Many women have a little bit of bleeding after going through an abortion. Hemorrhaging, or heavy bleeding, is unusual and could be treated using repeat suction or medication. Sometimes the process requires surgery, though such cases are rare.


Torn or Cut Cervix

Some women tear the opening of their uterus while medical practitioners stretch it to allow instruments to enter it. Nonetheless, this is a rare occurrence in less than 1% of all first-trimester abortions (Louisiana Department of Health). In this case, few women are at risk of this abortion-related issue.


While there are other issues, such as perforation of the uterus wall and anesthesia-related complications, the point stands that abortion is a dangerous activity. Taking precautions to mitigate a pregnancy is the primary method proposed by pro-abortionists. However, one cannot fail to consider the plight of women that incur abortions, leading to the issue of whether or not this is a child and if terminating a fetus is murder.


Children start growing at conception. This is one of the most controversial topics regarding abortion rights in today's world. It is not a wife's or a woman's choice but both hers and the unborn child's. Abortion results in a detrimental crime whose victim cannot defend their right to life as they are considered something rather than someone. While we are debating whether or not fetuses are people, we should note that many people already have a name lined up to give the baby once it breathes new life outside the womb. Abortion is committing murder, and being pro-life is the best decision to defend those without a way to argue for themselves in this controversial topic involving unwanted pregnancy.



Allen Jr., J. L. (2017, July 6). Tobin: Abortion, anti-immigrant rhetoric both “brutalize” the American heart. Crux. https://cruxnow.com/interviews/2017/07/tobin-abortion-anti-immigrant-rhetoric-brutalize-american-heart

Bukuras, J. (2022, March 4). Experts respond to Biden: Biology and theology agree, human life begins at Conception. Catholic News Agency. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/250572/experts-respond-to-biden-biology-and-theology-agree-human-life-begins-at-conception

Louisiana Department of Health. (n.d.). Abortion risks: LA dept. of health. Abortion Risks . https://ldh.la.gov/page/1063

Parker, S., Dannenfelser, M., & Dills, A. (2022, January 19). The impact of abortion on the Black Community . Center for Urban Renewal and Education. https://curepolicy.org/report/the-impact-of-abortion-on-the-black-community/

Pullella, P. (2021, September 15). Pope says abortion is “murder” but U.S. bishops should not be political. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-says-abortion-is-murder-us-bishops-should-not-be-political-2021-09-15/

Ramírez-Villalobos, D., Monterubio-Flores, E. A., Gonzalez-Vazquez, T. T., Molina-Rodríguez, J. F., Ruelas-González, Ma. G., & Alcalde-Rabanal, J. E. (2021, July 21). Delaying sexual onset: Outcome of a comprehensive sexuality education initiative for adolescents in public schools - BMC public health. BioMed Central. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-11388-2

Weise, E. (2022, May 5). How many abortions are actually performed in the US? rates have declined for decades. USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/05/05/declining-abortion-rates-us/9644042002/#:~:text=Abortions%20in%20the%20U.S.%20peaked,available%2C%20the%20rate%20was%2011.4.



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Write an essay on why abortion should be banned. Your paper should be at least 2100 words. Papers below this wordcount will fail. Use APA 7th edition to cite your sources.

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